Presenting an environmentally friendly pedestrian path within the framework of the walkability concept is not easy to implement. Especially in Makassar City where the increase population and community mobility is quite high and has resulted in the emergence of various socio-economic and environmental problems, thus affecting the comfort level of pedestrians. One of the factors that affect the level of pedestrian comfort is the behavior of people which do not understand the importance of the existence of pedestrian paths. This study aims to identify the factors that hinder application of the Walkability concept in Makassar City, in terms of behavioral aspects, used in this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach which aims to reveal events or facts, phenomena, variables and circumstances that occurred during the research by presenting what actually happened, while the behavior mapping technique used is the Place centered mapping technique which aims to identify how humans, individually and in groups, utilize, use or accommodate their behavior in a particular time and place situation. From the results of the study, it was found that there are several factors that influence people's behavior, so that the area becomes not walkable according to the perception of pedestrians. Among them are environmental factors such as weather, the presence of street vendors, the surface of the pedestrian path and security. Meanwhile, accessibility factors such as the distance traveled by pedestrian paths, disabled friendly and parking areas, are influencing factors that are not user friendly and not walkable so that it is deemed necessary for the government and stakeholders to improve the area into an area that can be applied to the walkability concept.