We consider the following communication problem: Alice and Bob each have some valuation functions v 1 (·) and v 2 (·) over subsets of m items, and their goal is to partition the items into S,S in a way that maximizes the welfare, v 1 (S)+v 2 (S). We study both the allocation problem, which asks for a welfare-maximizing partition and the decision problem, which asks whether or not there exists a partition guaranteeing certain welfare, for binary XOS valuations. For interactive protocols with poly(m) communication, a tight 3/4-approximation is known for both [29,23].For interactive protocols, the allocation problem is provably harder than the decision problem: any solution to the allocation problem implies a solution to the decision problem with one additional round and log m additional bits of communication via a trivial reduction. Surprisingly, the allocation problem is provably easier for simultaneous protocols. Specifically, we show:• There exists a simultaneous, randomized protocol with polynomial communication that selects a partition whose expected welfare is at least 3/4 of the optimum. This matches the guarantee of the best interactive, randomized protocol with polynomial communication.• For all ε > 0, any simultaneous, randomized protocol that decides whether the welfare of the optimal partition is ≥ 1 or ≤ 3/4 − 1/108 + ε correctly with probability > 1/2 + 1/poly(m) requires exponential communication. (≤ 3/4 − 1/108) protocols with polynomial communication. In other words, this trivial reduction from decision to allocation problems provably requires the extra round of communication. We further discuss the implications of our results for the design of truthful combinatorial auctions in general, and extensions to general XOS valuations. In particular, our protocol for the allocation problem implies a new style of truthful mechanisms.
IntroductionIntuitively, search problems (find the optimal solution) are considered "strictly harder" than decision problems (does a solution with quality ≥ Q exist?) for the following (formal) reason: once you find the optimal solution, you can simply evaluate it and check whether its quality is ≥ Q or not. The same intuition carries over to approximation as well: once you find a solution whose quality is within a factor α of optimal, you can distinguish between cases where solutions with quality ≥ Q exist and those where all solutions have quality ≤ αQ. The easy conclusion one then draws is that the communication (resp. runtime) required for an α-approximation to any decision problem is upper bounded by the communication (resp. runtime) required for an α-approximation to the corresponding search problem plus the communication (resp. runtime) required to evaluate the quality of a proposed solution.Note though that for communication problems, in addition to the negligible increase in communication (due to evaluating the quality of the proposed solution), this simple reduction might also require (at least) an extra round of communication (because the parties can evalua...