Integrated circuit technologies are enabling intelligent, chip-based, optical packet switch matrices. Rapid real-time reconfigurability at the photonic layer using integrated circuit technologies is expected to enable cost-effective, energy-efficient, and transparent data communications. InP integrated photonic circuits offer high-performance amplifiers, switches, modulators, detectors, and de/multiplexers in the same wafer-scale processes. The complexity of these circuits has been transformed as the process technologies have matured, enabling component counts to increase to many hundreds per chip. Active-passive monolithic integration has enabled switching matrices with up to 480 components, connecting 16 inputs to 16 outputs. Integrated switching matrices route data streams of hundreds of gigabits per second. Multi-path and packet time-scale switching have been demonstrated in the laboratory to route between multiple fibre connections. Wavelength-granularity routing and monitoring is realised inside the chip. In this paper, we review the current status in InP integrated photonics for optical switch matrices, paying particular attention to the additional on-chip functions that become feasible with active component integration. We highlight the opportunities for introducing intelligence at the physical layer and explore the requirements and opportunities for cost-effective, scalable switching.Keywords: large-scale integration; optical switching devices; optoelectronics; photonic integrated circuits In turn, this is leading to unsustainable energy usage and an increasing complexity in network control 2-4 . Optical packet routing and switching technologies offer the prospect of highly efficient networking that is attuned to packet-based traffic flows 4 . However, to date the underlying photonic hardware has not proved sufficiently scalable, and the physical layer performance has been impeded by the analogue nature of the underlying photonic components.Photonic switch matrices and wavelength-selective switches already provide energy-efficient connectivity at the highest bandwidths for circuit-provisioned time-scales. The optical switching engines that are now being deployed in telecom networks and data centre networks are based on slow (millisecond) circuitswitching technologies that leverage micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) 5,6 and liquid crystal on silicon 7,8 switch elements. 3D MEMS systems now allow for connectivity between many hundreds of fibre connections 9,10 . The combination of broadband photonic switches and wavelength-selective diffractive optical elements offers even higher connectivity. However, the use of surface normal micro-optics introduces considerable assembly complexity as the connectivity scales. The switching speeds do not support packet-based traffic at the optical layer.Planar photonic integrated circuits have long held the promise of high-speed broadband connectivity with mass-manufactureable microchips 11 , but only recently has the technology