The influence of thawing procedures on fertility of semen in .25-ml Continental 3 straws was investigated in a series of eight trials utilizing 1,634 cows. The following pregnancy rates were obtained: Trial 1, 38.6 vs 23.0% (P<.05) for semen thawed in 75 C water/7 sec vs "in the cow"; Trial 2, 29.7 vs 22.2% (P>.10) for semen thawed in 75 C water/7 sec vs "in the cow"; Trial 3, 82.8 vs 61.6% (P<.01) for semen thawed in 75 C water/7 sec vs "in the pocket"; Trial 4, 49.1 vs 45.9 (P>.10) for semen thawed in 75 C water/7 sec vs 3 C water/2 min; and Trial 5, 55.3 vs 56.0% (P>.10) for semen thawed in 75 C water/7 sec vs 35 C water/12 sec, respectively.