Chorisia speciosa A. St.-Hil., popularly known as paineira, barriguda, paineira-branca and paineira-rosa, belongs to the Bombacaceae family, being used to fill mattresses, pillows and cushions. The trees can be used in the construction of boats, boxes and mainly in the recovery of degraded areas. Among the most important tests of vigor, temperature is a factor that can directly interfere with germination and seedling growth. The accelerated aging might be emphasized as the most suitable to estimate seed vigor. The experiment was conducted in a laboratory of the Federal University of Alagoas/UFAL, aiming to determine the cardinal temperatures and to study the influence of accelerated aging on the germination and seed vigor of C. speciosa. The seeds were submitted to temperatures of 20 ºC, 30 ºC, 35 ºC and 40 ºC in paper roll substrate. For the accelerated aging test, temperatures of 41 and 45 ºC were tested during the periods of 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours. The variables analyzed were: first germination count, germination, germination speed index (IVG), dry mass and seedling length. The results showed that temperature of 30 ºC can be indicated as optimum for the germination of the species, since it provided the best values for the evaluated characteristics. Accelerated aging after 24 hours affected the physiological quality of C. speciosa seeds, promoting a reduction in viability and vigor.