In this paper we study a scheduling problem with moldable and non-moldable parallel tasks on m processors. A non-moldable parallel task is one that runs in parallel on a specific given number of processors. The goal is to find a non-preemptive schedule on the m processors which minimizes the makespan, or the latest task completion time. The previous best result is the list scheduling algorithm with an absolute approximation ratio of 2. On the other hand, there does not exist an approximation algorithm for scheduling non-moldable parallel tasks with ratio smaller than 1.5, unless P = N P . In this paper we show that a schedule with length (1.5 + ǫ)OP T can be computed for the scheduling problem in time O(n log n) + f (1/ǫ). Furthermore we present an (1.5 + ǫ) approximation algorithm for scheduling moldable parallel tasks.