Memory system is often the main bottleneck in chipmultiprocessor (CMP) systems in terms of latency, bandwidth and efficiency, and recently additionally facing capacity and power problems in an era of big data. A lot of research works have been done to address part of these problems, such as photonics technology for bandwidth, 3D stacking for capacity, and NVM for power as well as many micro-architecture level innovations. Many of them need a modification of current memory architecture, since the decades-old synchronous memory architecture (SDRAM) has become an obstacle to adopt those advances. However, to the best of our knowledge, none of them is able to provide a universal memory interface that is scalable enough to cover all these problems.In this paper, we argue that a message-based interface should be adopted to replace the traditional bus-based interface in memory system. A novel message interface based memory system (MIMS) is proposed. The key innovation of MIMS is that processor and memory system communicate through a universal and flexible message interface. Each message packet could contain multiple memory requests or commands along with various semantic information. The memory system is more intelligent and active by equipping with a local buffer scheduler, which is responsible to process packet, schedule memory requests, and execute specific commands with the help of semantic information. The experimental results by simulator show that, with accurate granularity message, the MIMS would improve performance by 53.21%, while reducing energy delay product (EDP) by 55.90%, the effective bandwidth utilization is improving by 62.42%. Further more, combining multiple requests in a packet would reduce link overhead and provide opportunity for address compression.However main memory that acts as the bridge between high level data and low level processor is failed to scale, leading memory system to be a main bottleneck. Besides the wellknown memory wall problem [53], the memory system also faces many other challenges (walls), which are concluded as followed:Memory wall (Latency): The original "memory wall" referred to memory access latency problem [53] and it was the main problem in memory system until mid-2000s when the CPU frequency race slowed down. Then came the multi/many core age. The situation has changed a bit that queuing delays have become a major bottleneck, and might contribute more than 70% of memory latency [50]. Thus for future memory architecture, it should place a higher priority to reduce queuing delays. Exploiting higher parallelism in memory system could reduce queuing delays because it is able to de-queue requests faster [50].Bandwidth wall: The increasing number of concurrent memory requests along with the increasing amount of data, result in heavy bandwidth pressure. However the bandwidth of memory is failing to scale due to the relatively slow growth of pin counts of processor module (about 10% per year [2]). This has been concluded as bandwidth wall [46]. The average memory bandwidth for...