Current-oriented operational amplifier (OpAmp) design has been common for its orderly current-to-speed tradeoff. However, for high-precision or high-linearity applications, increasing the current does not help much, as the supply voltage (V DD ) and intrinsic gain of the MOSFETs in ultra-scaled CMOS technologies are very limited. This paper introduces voltage-oriented circuit techniques to address such limitations. Specifically, a 2xV DD -enabled recycling folded cascade (RFC) OpAmp is proposed. It features: (1) current recycling to enhance the effective trans conductance by 4x with no extra power; (2) transistor stacking to boost the output resistance by one to two orders of magnitude; and (3) V DD elevating to enlarge the linear output swing by 4x. Comparing with its 1xV DD RFC and FC counterparts, the proposed solution achieves 20-dB higher DC gain (i.e. 72.8 dB) in open loop and 20-dB lower IM3 (i.e., -76.5 dB) in closed loop, under the same power budget of 0.6 mW in a 1-V General Purpose 65-nm CMOS process. In many applications, these joint improvements in a single stage are already adequate, being more power efficient (i.e. less current paths), stable (i.e. more phase margin), and compact (i.e. no frequency compensation) than multi-stage OpAmps. Voltage-conscious biasing and node-voltage trajectory check ensure the device reliability in both transient and steady states. No specialized high-voltage device is necessary.