In this thesis we optimize the drilling location and operational controls of wells in a joint manner to improve the overall development strategy for a petroleum field. In particular, in this thesis we treat the integrated problem of searching for an improved well placement configuration while also taking into account the control settings of the production and/or injector wells planned for the development of the hydrocarbon asset. In oil field development, the well placement and well control problems are commonly performed in a sequential manner. However, this type of sequential approach cannot be expected to yield optimal solutions because it relies on handling well production controls using heuristic techniques during the well placement part of the procedure. In this work, we develop a nested (joint) optimization approach that seeks to capture the interdependency between the well configuration and the associated controls during the optimization search.This thesis summarizes the development of the joint approach; from establishing the methodology while using relatively simple cases and performing thorough comparisons against sequential approaches, to further extending and finally testing the methodology using a real field case model. This progression naturally divides the work in this thesis into two parts with different research focus. The first part of this work (Chapter 2) focuses chiefly on creating proper definitions and on establishing the proposed methodology against common approaches. The second part of this thesis (Chapters 3 and 4), on the other hand, focuses mainly on applying the developed methodology within a real field case scenario involving the North Sea Martin Linge oil reservoir. The dual aim of this application work is both to further develop the methodology, and to produce and test optimization solutions that may serve as decision-support to engineering efforts within the development work process of the Martin Linge field.Chapter 2 establishes the core of the methodology followed in this thesis. This chapter introduces the joint and sequential approaches as different ways to solve for the coupled well placement and control problem. The joint approach embeds the well control optimization within the search for optimum well placement configurations. Derivativefree methods based on pattern search are used to solve for the well-positioning part of the problem, while the well control optimization is solved by sequential quadratic programming using gradients efficiently computed through adjoints. Compared to reasonable sequential approaches, the joint optimization yields a significant increase in net present value of up to 20%. Compared to the sequential procedures, though, the joint approach requires about an order of magnitude increase in the total number of reservoir simulations performed during optimization. This increase, however, is somewhat mitigated by i the parallel implementation of some of the pattern search algorithms used in this work.Chapter 3 focuses on extending and applying ...