Adolescents consistently compare themselves with others they see on social media. This habit can bring up in them a sense of envy or inferiority, which then can lead to a decrease in self-esteem. Therefore, it is necessary to have aspects that can increase their confidence and optimism, including in term of spirituality, their sense of gratitude. The purpose of this study was to see the role of gratitude as moderating variable in the influence of social comparison on the self-esteem of social media adolescent users. The research was conducted using social comparison scale of Iowa-Netherlands Comparison Orientation Scale (INCOM), gratitude scale, and selfesteem state scale, which were distributed to 200 social media adolescent users in DKI Jakarta, were involved through incidental sampling. The results of data analysis showed that there was a significant role of gratitude in influencing social comparison to change these participants' self-esteem. The sense of gratitude served to increase these adolescents' self-esteem, which previously decreased as a result of social comparison. This study had a number of weaknesses in the use of the instruments, especially the social comparison scale. Any similar study in the future is expected to focus more on one kind of social media.Abstrak: Remaja seringkali membandingkan diri dengan orang lain yang dilihatnya ketika mengakses media sosial, yang kemudian dapat menimbulkan rasa iri atau yang mengarah kepada penurunan self-esteem (rendah diri/minder). Dengan demikian diperlukan adanya aspek yang dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan rasa optimisnya, termasuk dari segi spiritualitas, seperti salah satunya adalah kebersyukuran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat peran dari syukur sebagai variabel moderator, dalam pengaruh perbandingan sosial terhadap self-esteem remaja pengguna media sosial. Penelitian dilakukan dengan instrumen skala perbandingan sosial Iowa-Netherlands Comparison Orientation Scale (INCOM), skala syukur, dan self-esteem state scale yang dibagikan kepada 200 orang remaja pengguna media sosial di DKI Jakarta dengan menggunakan incidental sampling. Hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan moderated regression analysis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peran yang signifikan dari syukur dalam pengaruh perbandingan sosial terhadap self-esteem remaja pengguna media sosial. Syukur berfungsi meningkatkan self-esteem dari remaja yang bersangkutan yang menurun sebagai dampak dari perbandingan sosial.