“…2004 Naka, 1982;Yamamoto, 1992Brokaw and Grear, 19911987Yamamoto and Manabe, 1997Everham III and Brokaw, 1996 Foster, 1988;Boucher et al, 1990;Gresham et al, 1991Touliatos and Roth, 19711992Zimmerman et al, 1994 Betura papyrifera Quercus allba Tsuga canadensis Foster, 1988Walker 1991Walker et al, 1992Zimmerman et al, 1994;Bellingham et al, 19951 Franklin, 1994 Top, middle, and bottom bars indicate percent damage in the whole study area Whole , on the upper slope Upper , and on the lower slope Lower , respectively. Asterisks indicate significant differences compared to the damage ratio of all species combined Fisher s exact probability test, p 0.05 .…”