We investigate the potential of a quantum Boltzmann equation without momentum conservation for description of strongly correlated electron systems out of equilibrium. In a spirit similar to dynamical mean field theory (DMFT), the momentum conservation of the electron-electron scattering is neglected, which yields a time-dependent occupation function for the equilibrium spectral function, even in cases where well-defined quasiparticles do not exist. The main assumption of this method is that the spectral function remains sufficiently rigid under the non-equilibrium evolution. We compare the result of the quantum Boltzmann equation to non-equilibrium DMFT simulations for the case of photo-carrier relaxation in Mott insulators, where processes on very different timescales emerge, i.e., impact ionization, intra-Hubbard-band thermalization, and full thermalization. Since quantum Boltzmann simulations without momentum conservation are computationally cheaper than non-equilibrium DMFT, this method allows the simulation of more complicated systems or devices, and to access much longer times. arXiv:1806.02570v2 [cond-mat.str-el]