In modern CMOS technologies reliability issues limit the maximum operating voltage of transistors. This prevents the integration of efficient power amplifiers (e.g., audio or RF) since stacked devices are needed to prevent breakdown, which reduces efficiency. Transistor reliability is strongly related to operating voltages; higher voltages result in faster degradation and hence in lower reliability and shorter life time. Degradation can be monitored by oxide degradation, threshold voltage-shifts and mobility reduction.An approach is introduced to extend the lifetime of high-voltage analog circuits in CMOS technologies based on redundancy, like that known for DRAMS. A large power transistor is segmented into N smaller ones in parallel. If a sub-transistor is broken, it is removed automatically from the compound transistor. The principle is demonstrated in an RF CMOS Power Amplifier (PA) in standard 1.2V 90nm CMOS.A single oxide breakdown event (OBD) shows up as a sudden increase in oxide-leakage, which can be modeled as the sudden formation of a resistance of a few kΩ from gate to drain, to source or to bulk [1]. Due to the large size of power transistors, the relative effect of a single OBD on the performance is small; consequently defining reliable operation time as "the time to the first oxide breakdown of the gate dielectric in a transistor" [1] is overly strict [2]. However, in order to have a reasonable overall lifetime, normally an extra margin against degradation is built into the design, i.e., non-degraded power transistors have to be able to deliver more power than needed in the case of zero OBD, so they still function properly after a few OBDs.A number of OBDs is acceptable for power circuits and stochastic properties can even be used to increase lifetime. In our system each power transistor (width W) is segmented in N parallel transistors (width W/N), each with OBD monitoring circuitry and predriver including enable/disable functionality, as shown in Fig. 29.5.1. During operation, the number of OBDs in each power transistor (segment) is monitored by measuring the oxide-resistance; the number of OBDs is approximately proportional to the gate conductance. Upon detection of too many OBDs in a power transistor in a segment, i.e., oxide conductance that is too high, that segment is shut down.During operation some OBDs occur, mainly in the most heavily stressed parts of a circuit, here, in the (segmented) power transistors. In case of a weak spot in a transistor, the breakdowns occur mainly in that transistor, and only that segment is shut down. If no weak spots are present, the distribution of the OBDs will be spatially uniform across all segments, while the total number of OBDs increases with operation time. Now statistics helps to increase lifetime.If M breakdowns are spatially uniformly distributed across N segments, the distribution of OBDs in one segment is binomial (Gaussian-like): some segments have more breakdowns than others. For example, 107 uniform OBDs across 16 sections, the average OBD count...