Special news programs are very popular with the community if they have a good news structure. For this reason, the objective of this research was to describe the structure of news at the Kabar Siang and Breaking News programs on TvOne. The research method uses the content analysis method. Data collection techniques with record techniques and note taking techniques. Data analysis techniques with the following steps: setting questions, determining the definition of categories, step by step the formulation of categories, checking reliability, interpretation, and conclusions. Test the validity of data by discussing with experts, member check, and documenting all research data. The results showed that the news structure of the Kabar Siang and Breaking News program on TvOne began with an opening remarks, the Kabar Siang content section consisted of topics 1 to 42 from 8 segments, whereas Breaking News only had 1 topic from 1 segment, the final part was a closing marker and closing greetings. Each topic has a varied news structure consisting of leads, body of news, and news ending and contains 5W 1H elements. The structure of the Kabar Siang program is arranged in an inverted pyramid pattern in which the composition of news items starts from the most interesting, interesting, to less interesting based on the actuality and attractiveness of the news. While the structure of the Breaking News program only follows the pattern of the news structure namely leads, body of news, and news ending.