Crystalline silicon (c-Si) wafer-based solar cells have been dominating the current photovoltaic industries. However, prevalent manufacturing practices are based on environmentally-harmful chemicals and expensive methodologies. This paper reports on the development of inexpensive, environmentally-benign phosphoric acid-based emitter formation methods as an alternative to conventional highly toxic and poisonous POCl 3 gas source-based chemistry. Two emitter formation approaches at temperatures in 850-925 o C range have been investigated. The first approach is referred to as the doctor blade (DB) technique, where the flat Si wafer surface is uniformly coated by phosphoric acid (H 3 PO 4 ) via a moving blade. A small gap between the blade and wafer is maintained in order to form a thin uniform film on the wafer. The second method is referred to as the extension of the blade method (EDB), where an un-doped wafer is placed proximately to the deposited H 3 PO 4 wafer. During the high temperature drive-in process, phosphorous emitter was formed on the un-doped wafer surface through evaporation and deposition of phosphorus atoms from H 3 PO 4 coated wafer. All diffusion processes were carried out on 180 µm thick, planar boron-doped Si wafers in a conventional quartz tube furnace. The variation of sheet resistances over a broad range from ~20-180 Ω/sq were consistent with temperature dependence. Highest diffusion uniformity was observed for 10% H 3 PO 4 solution. Diffusion process simulations based on DifCad software were in good agreement with experimental data. The work reported here illustrates that an environmentally-benign approach in emitter formation based on H 3 PO 4 is feasible for manufacturing solar cells.
ABSTRAKSel suria berasaskan wafer silikon hablur (c-Si) telah mendominasi industri fotovoltan masa kini. Walau bagaimanapun, amalan pengilangan lazim adalah berdasarkan penggunaan bahan kimia yang berbahaya dan kaedah yang mahal. Kertas kajian ini melaporkan tentang pembangunan kaedah pembentukan pemancar yang murah, mesra alam sekitar berasaskan asid fosforik sebagai alternatif kepada bahan bertoksik dan sumber gas kimia beracun konvensional berasaskan POCl 3 . Dua pendekatan pembentukan pemancar pada julat suhu o C dikaji. Pendekatan pertama merujuk kepada teknik bilah doktor (DB), di mana permukaan rata wafer Si disalut secara seragam oleh asid fosforik (H 3 PO 4 ) melalui bilah bergerak. Jurang kecil diantara bilah dan wafer dikekalkan bagi membentuk satu filem nipis seragam di atas wafer. Kaedah kedua merujuk kepada teknik bilah doktor lanjutan (EDB) dimana wafer tidak terdop diletakkan berhampiran dengan wafer yang telah dimendapkan dengan filem H 3 PO 4 . Semasa proses pandu masuk bersuhu tinggi, pemancar fosforus terbentuk di atas permukaan wafer tidak terdop melalui penyejatan dan pemendapan atom fosforus dari wafer bersalut H 3 PO 4 . Semua proses peresapan dijalankan ke atas wafer silikon terdop boron berstruktur satah dengan ketebalan 180 µm di dalam relau tiub kuarza konvensional. Variasi rintan...