The historical reciprocity among traditional populations and the usage of biodiversity in natural environments have outlined the Amazon as one of the richest and most complex socio-ecological systems on the planet. Conservation Units (CU's) are effective strategies to protect biodiversity, although the simple creation does not guarantee its efficiency. Conservation depends on the integration between ecological and social aspects of the forest peoples and the management of institutions involved with the use and protection of biodiversity and environment. In this context, Non-Timber Forest Products (NFTPs) are important elements in the culture and subsistence of traditional populations and can represent significant sources of income. Specifically, the açaí palm (Euterpe precatoria) is one of the species that stands out in the Amazon, with high cultural and economic values. Given the importance of the species, this research was carried out using traditional knowledge associated with this palm tree, along with residents of three communities of the RDS Piagaçu Purus, to identify and evaluate the uses of parts of the plant of greatest interest to local communities. Within a two-months period, in 2006, information on the diversity of uses and knowledge of the species were collected. It was applied the method of qualitative-quantitative exploratory research, surveying primary and secondary information. The results showed the great potential of açaí usage, especially the fruit, which is consumed in the form of wine and the root, in popular medicine, indicating that the species is a key resource for families subsistence besides its high economic and social potential.