We investigated the electrical properties of low threading dislocation density (TDD) GaN crystals grown by the thin flux growth method in the Naflux point seed technique for the first time. In addition, we attempted to fabricate GaN crystals with further lower TDD and curvature by using point seeds having a smaller diameter of 250 μm, compared to that from a previous study having a diameter of 1000 μm. As a result, the free carrier concentration was 1.1 × 10 20 cm −3 with a resistivity of 9 × 10 −4 Ωcm. Moreover, TDD in about 80% of the observation area was on the order of 10 3 cm −2 or less, and the radius of curvature of the GaN crystal was over 100 m for both a// and m//, due to the smaller-sized point seeds. These results suggest that low-TDD GaN crystals with low resistivity can be realized with this method, and Na-flux GaN crystals exhibit great performance as substrates of power devices.