Theobroma cacao is a species that provides interesting conservation of biodiversity, allowing cultivation as a biological system where birds, reptiles and insects are housed. The objective of this study is to analyze the almond and cocoa production system, in order to generate a cocoa quality standard, through the application of sensory characteristics, carrying out adequate control of the almonds, which represent the main matter premium for the elaboration of this one. The research was carried out in a system without shade established in the Experimental Farm "La Represa", located in Fayta, via Quevedo-San Carlos, Los Ríos Province-Ecuador, for 114 days. It was characterized in a system of improved materials, studying the cocoa kernel of 41 hybridized materials; organized in 40 treatments, plus a JHVH-10 witness; and 20 physiologically mature fruits per experimental unit, applying the principal component analysis. As a result, in the chemical analysis, moisture, and minerals such as phosphorus, copper, iron and zinc were obtained; fat and energy; protein and carbohydrates; as well as potassium, calcium and magnesium. In the sensory evaluation, cocoa flavor; fruity and caramel. It is concluded that it is important to promote the sustainable development of cocoa in this area of Ecuador