AbstrakPengajian merupakan salah satu sarana dakwah dalam Islam yang paling efektif dalam menguatkan pondasi keagaaman umat muslim. Melalui aktivitas ini, masyarakat akan terfasilitasi dalam melakukan pendalamaan terhadap materi-materi keislaman. Selain itu, ini juga menjadi wadah bagi jamaah untuk saling bersilaturahmi. Hanya saja dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, animo masyarakat untuk mengikuti pengajian mengalami penurunan. Hal ini juga terjadi di Desa Sumbersari, Kecamatan Ciparay, Kabupaten Bandung dimana jumlah jamaah dari waktu ke waktu mengalami penurunan secara kuantitas. Berangkat dari fenomena tersebut, Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Muhammadiyah (STAIM) Bandung bekerjasama dengan Pimpinan Ranting (PRM) Muhammadiyah Sumbersari melakukan beberapa strategi untuk meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas pengajian. Strategi tersebut diimplementasikan dalam bentuk inovasi penyelenggaraan pengajian melalui metode ceramah sekaligus dikombinasikan dengan on the spot training yaitu melakukan beberapa program bimbingan dan pendampingan kepada masyarakat setempat. Selain itu, salah satu bentuk inovasi pengajian yang digagas oleh STAIM Bandung dan PRM Sumbersari adalah adanya program Subhad (Subuh Ahad), yaitu program ngariung atau berkumpul dengan seluruh jamaah untuk ngopi bersama setelah pengajian di hari Ahad subuh secara gratis. Hasilnya adalah animo masyarakat mengikuti pengajian semakin meningkat dan jalinan tali silaturhmi antar sesama jamaah semakin kuat. Kata Kunci : pengajian, inovasi, on the spot training AbstractHalaqah is one of the most effective way in Islam to strengthen the muslims religious foundation. Through that activity, the community will get the opportunity to understand and deepeen the Islamic materials. In addition, this is also a place for the worshippers to stay in touch with each other. However, in the last few years, the public's interest in attending the halaqah has gradually decreased. It can be seen in Desa Sumbersari, Kecamatan Ciparay, Kabupaten Bandung as the example where the number of worshipers from time to time had show a decrease in quantity. Based on this phenomenon, the Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI) Muhammadiyah Islamic College (STAIM) Bandung in collaboration with the Branch Leaders (PRM) of Muhammadiyah Sumbersari carried out several strategies to increase the quantity and quality of the halaqah. This strategy is implemented in the form of innovation in organizing halaqah through the lecture method as well as combined with on the spot training by conducting several guidance and mentoring programs for the local community. Other than that, another innovation initiated by STAIM Bandung and PRM Sumbersari to increase the local people participation in halaqah is by conducting the program Subhad (Subuh Ahad) which means a dawn at sunday. That program is designed simply like a gathering for all the local people in the Sunday Dawn called "ngariung" to have a coffee for free after the halaqah end up. The result showed that that the public's interest or the whorsipper interest in attending the halaqah is increasing and the relationship between fellow worshipers among each other is getting stronger. Keywords: Halaqah, Innovation, on the spot training