A class-AB four-quadrant current multiplier constituted by a class-AB current amplifier and a current splitter which can handle input signals in excess of ten times the bias current is presented. The proposed circuit operation is based on the exponential characteristic of BJTs or subthreshold MOSFETs. The multiplier is designed using the latter devices and achieves very low power consumption. Simulation results show that from a 0.65 V supply, the proposed circuit consumes 12.4 nW static power while less than 230 dB total harmonic distortion is achieved for an input modulation index up to 10.Introduction: Based on the well-known exponential characteristics of BJTs or weak inversion MOSFETs, four-quadrant current multiplier circuits have been designed from different principles, e.g. transconductor/ conveyor based [1] and translinear circuit based [2] current multipliers. Most of them are restricted to class-A operation that does not allow the input signals' swing to become higher than their bias currents.In this Letter, a fully class-AB four-quadrant analogue current multiplier is presented. The proposed multiplier is formed by a dual output current amplifier which is biased by controlled currents generated from a current splitter. Both the amplifier and splitter circuits can be realised from the same basic circuit block, called Sinh transconductor, which provides class-AB operation. Therefore, fully class-AB multiplication is obtained. Owing to the class-AB operation, the multiplier circuit can be designed to process high input signal amplitudes while its bias current can be kept low. Circuit simulation using a 0.13 mm model parameter shows that, for a 0.5 nA bias current, input currents with amplitudes of 5 nA can be applied to the circuit and good fourquadrant multiplication is performed.