In order to overcome the shortcomings of existing wireless temperature-humidity monitoring systems, such as high-energy consumption, poor man-machine interaction, differential interference and no reverse real-time control etc., a novel real-time temperature-humidity monitoring system based on short distance wireless microwave communication is designed. In addition, some intelligent algorithms are briefly introduced in wireless communication for frequency assignment, improving energy efficiency and other resource allocation problems. This system uses the chip STC89C52 as the control chip, chip SHT11 as the data acquisition module, chip nRF905 as wireless transceiver module and chip MAX232 as the serial interface between the upper and the lower computer. The system requirements, system design, correlative hardware circuits, control flow chart and software design are depicted in details. This system can realize data acquisition, processing, transmission, control and display of temperature and humidity information. The system functions verification and performance test results show that this system has strong interference, low energy consumption and high precision. This system has great valuable, which has been applied in industrial and agricultural fields, such as greenhouse cultivation and laboratory storage.