The scaling of complementary metal oxide semiconductor transistors has led to the silicon dioxide layer, used as a gate dielectric, being so thin (1.4 nm) that its leakage current is too large. It is necessary to replace the SiO 2 with a physically thicker layer of oxides of higher dielectric constant (κ) or 'high K' gate oxides such as hafnium oxide and hafnium silicate. These oxides had not been extensively studied like SiO 2 , and they were found to have inferior properties compared with SiO 2 , such as a tendency to crystallize and a high density of electronic defects. Intensive research was needed to develop these oxides as high quality electronic materials. This review covers both scientific and technological issuesthe choice of oxides, their deposition, their structural and metallurgical behaviour, atomic diffusion, interface structure and reactions, their electronic structure, bonding, band offsets, electronic defects, charge trapping and conduction mechanisms, mobility degradation and flat band voltage shifts. The oxygen vacancy is the dominant electron trap. It is turning out that the oxides must be implemented in conjunction with metal gate electrodes, the development of which is further behind. Issues about work function control in metal gate electrodes are discussed.