A novel approach to remotely monitor low pressure non-equilibrium plasmas is reported. A magnetic field antenna is positioned in the near field of a capacitively coupled plasma. Magnetic flux from plasma currents, present near the viewport, is intercepted via a calibrated loop antenna placed outside the chamber. The induced signal current is correlated to bulk plasma currents. Comparison of relative harmonic amplitudes show resonance features for lower operating pressures. The geometric resonance and electron-neutral collision frequencies are evaluated from resonant harmonic features. Of particular interest to industrial scenarios, this approach advances remote, non invasive and installation free plasma monitoring. Plasma diagnosis is central to improving fault detection and control during semiconductor fabrication. Industrial scenarios however present relatively 'hostile' conditions detrimental to immersed probes. 1-3) Probe contact with the plasma can be disruptive and negatively impact process replication, a key challenge in high volume manufacturing lines. Plasma diagnostics which are non-invasive and installation free (remote) are therefore particularly advantageous for modern industrial plasma scenarios. 4-7) Monitoring optical emissions (i.e. optical emission spectroscopy) in a processing plasma is well established. 3, 4, 8) To date, however, monitoring of wavelengths emitted in the radio frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum from low temperature plasma sources remains relatively unexploited. In this report, a method for measuring and analysis of near field radio emissions in the vicinity of a low pressure non-equilibrium plasma is discussed. The concept, dubbed Radio Emission Spectroscopy (RES), is illustrated in figure 1. A near field loop antenna (typical diameter ∼5-25 mm) intercepts the magnetic flux resulting from currents in proximity to a viewport in the plasma chamber. The loop plane is orientated perpendicular to viewport to intercept currents transiting between the electrodes. A shielded loop antenna design, often used for magnetic field sensing in electromagnetic interference testing, is employed here. 9) The spatial behaviour of the magnetic field (strictly magnetostatic field) surrounding plasma currents flowing in proximity to the viewport is given by