The article presents an analysis of the problem of determining disabled-since-childhood adults’ quality of life. We suggested that coping behavior was a factor of high quality of life and subjective well-being. The sample (N=102) included disabled-since-childhood adults’ (N=51) with visual (N=16), hearing (N=18) and mobility disabilities (N=17) and adults with typical development (N=51). The respondents` average age is 37 years. Methods: the brief questionnaire WHOQOL-BREF in the adaptation of the V.M. Bechterev Research Institute; M.V. Sokolova’s Subjective Well-Being Scale; The Ways of Coping Questionnaire (Folkman, Lazarus, adapted by Kryukova T.L., Kuftyak E.V.). The results indicate a sufficiently high quality of life of adults with disabilities regardless of the type of disorders. The links between coping strategies, indicators of quality of life and subjective well-being are described. Distancing, avoidance and positive revaluation strategies make the greatest contribution to the quality of life. We conducted a separate analysis of the determination of the quality of life by coping strategies in groups of people with various disabilities. The results of the study can be used to develop rehabilitation programs and help people with disabilities.