Indonesia, as a multicultural society, has many potential conflicts. The potential conflicts can take the form of individual conflicts. Individuals Conflicts can develop into social conflicts in the form of conflicts between religious beliefs, conflicts between villages, and conflicts between ethnic groups which involve all members of the ethnic group. The purpose of the research: analyzing conflict management strategies in multicultural societies. This research used qualitative research. The analysis used was a qualitative analysis taken from the data as a result of in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation. The research location was in Kalirejo Village, Singorojo District, Kendal Regency, which was widely known as a multicultural society that a diversity of religions embraced by the community. The majority of religions embraced by the people of Kalirejo Village are Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, and Catholicism. The results showed that the people of Kalirejo Village maintain religious life harmony by giving mutual respect between religions realized by implementing harmony, cooperation, tolerance, and respect for religious differences.