ePix is a novel class of ASICs architectures based on a common platform optimized for the processing of signals in second generation LCLS cameras. The platform architecture is composed of a random access analog matrix of pixels with a global shutter, fast parallel column readout, and dedicated sigma-delta analog to digital converters per column. It also implements a dedicated control interface and all the required support electronics to perform configuration, calibration, and readout of the matrix. Based on this platform a class of front-end ASICs and several camera modules are under development, each utilizing specific pixel architectures, to meet varying requirements. This approach reduces development time and expands the possibility of integration of detector modules in size, shape or functionality as different modules could be assembled in the same camera. The ePix platform is currently under development together with two integrating pixel architectures: ePix100 optimized for ultra-low noise applications and ePix10k optimized instead for high dynamic range applications.