The current study investigated the process of school restructuring and explored the values basing the spirit in developing Muhammadiyah charitable effort. The study was conducted at MTs Muhammadiyah in Gandusari District, Trenggalek Regency, Indonesia using a qualitative case-study approach. While the objects of the study were the restructuring efforts and the values held by Muhammadiyah board members and managers, the subjects were the branch manager of Muhammadiyah Gandusari; the principal, vice-principal, and teachers at the school; and the school committee. Data were collected via in-depth interview, documentation, and observation techniques. The validity of data was ensured by credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability checking techniques. Data analysis was done in interrelated stages of data display, data reduction, conclusion drawing, and data verification. It was observed that the restructuring of the school was done through some efforts of reflection and a core team formation. Finally, the values of the struggle consisting of the purification of religious practices, the revitalization of the meaning of amar ma’ruf nahyi mungkar, and the values of being Indonesian and Muhammadiyah people were planted to sustain the development of Muhammadiyah school.
Keywords: implementation of values, school dynamics