ABSTRACT:In this study, we investigated the effect of orally administered crude oil contaminated diet on some biochemical parameters of wistar rat. Twenty four (24) wistar rats weighing between 125-180g were randomly grouped into four (4) of six animals each. Each group was fed with different concentrations of crude oil contaminated diet for 21days. At the end of each week, blood sample (2ml) was drawn from the median cantus vein of the eyes of the rats with the aid of a capillary tube and the plasma samples prepared for the biochemical tests. Also, one animal from each group was sacrificed and dissected every week; their livers were collected, weighed, washed with normal saline and later homogenized in a mortar and the isolate used for biochemical analysis. The results obtained showed the there was an increase in the weight of wet liver, lipid peroxidation and plasma protein concentration. Similarly, a time dependent increase in cholesterol concentration was obtained, with a significant decrease (p<0.05) in the mean body weight and percentage inhibition of superoxide dismutase. These results suggest that there was a negative alteration of the biochemical parameters examined which could have been induced by the contaminated feed they consumed. ©JASEM http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jasem.v20i4.4