Diabetes and anemia’s treatment with modern technology were still not affordable for some people. Therefore, cheaper and easily to get alternative treatments needs to be provided. Black garlic could be used as alternative treatments due to antioxidant activity from active compounds like flavonoids, tanin, saponin, and sterol. Compared to garlic, black garlic contains more active compounds so that it is expected to be able to work optimally for treatment. This study aims to determine the effect of black garlic extract on Hb and glucose levels. The method used in this study was experimental using a completely randomized design with the extract administered orally for 14 days at a dose of 150mg/Kg BW. The results showed that black garlic extract could increase hemoglobin levels up to 2.15% and reduce glucose levels up to 0.67%. From this experiment, we could know that black garlic extract can be used for increasing Hb levels and lowering glucose levels.