a b s t r a c tHow to automatically mining the spatial association patterns in spatial data is a challenging task in spatial data mining. In this paper, we propose three indices that represent the per-class, inter-class, and overall spatial associations of a nominal variable, which are based on the conditional probabilities of surface object categories. These indices represent relative quantities and are normalized to the region [−1, 1], which more accord with the intuitive cognition of people. We present some algorithms for detecting spatial associations that are based on these indices. The proposed method can be regarded as an extension of join count statistics and Transiogram. Several constructive examples were used to illustrate the advantages of the new method. Using two real data sets, vegetation types in Qingxian, Shanxi, China and neural tube birth defects in Heshun, Shanxi, China, we ran comparative experiments with other commonly used methods, including join count statistics, co-location quotient, and Q(m) statistics. The experimental results show that the proposed method can detect more subtle spatial associations, and is not sensitive to the sequence of neighbors.