As the resultof a thoroughliteraturesearch and consultationwith manufacturers of compressors,a specimentestingprogram is proposedto simulate specificcontacts in components of compressors. Specimen testing will be conducted using a high pressure tribometer. Specific components to be simulated, with their approximate operatingand environmentalconditions,are identified. A list of references, relatedto compressorslubrication,frictionand wear, is given in the Appendix. The scope of this reportis to proposea specimentestingprogramwhichserves as a basis for recommending a bench tester to screen lubricants of refrigerant compressors. PROPOSED SPECIMEN TESTING PROGRAM A. Objective The main objective of this report is to recommenda testing program whichwill aid in the selection of an effective bench tester for screening lubricants used in compressors of air-conditioningand refrigerationsystems. B. introduction In working toward a final recommendation for a bench tester, the following approach has been proposed: