The purpose of this study is to determine and describe the Implementation of Loli Channel Village Fund Allocation, Banawa District, Donggala Province. The research conducted is qualitative and descriptive. This study's informants revealed five people. Ensure that informants are gathered using a methodical approach. This data type includes both primary and secondary data. Miles and Huberman are used for data analysis, specifically data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The employed theory is Edward III's theory, which has four (four) components: communication, resources, attitudes, and employee structure. Based on the research findings, it is evident that, first and foremost, communication has not been operating effectively, and that communication delivery has not been successful. Second, in terms of resources, it has not been supported by adequate human resources in terms of work quality, and the implementing apparatus for the Village Fund Allocation has lacked technical understanding. Third, the Disposition aspect, there are still some things that are not appropriate and have not been running properly. Fourth, from the aspect of the bureaucratic structure, there is no standard operating procedure (SOP) regarding the management process and accountability for Village Fund Allocation. Thus, the researcher concludes that the implementation of the Loli Channel Village Fund Allocation policy, Banawa District, Donggala Regency has not run as expected.