Precise control over the size and shape of graphene nanostructures allows engineering spin-polarized edge and topological states, representing a novel source of non-conventional π-magnetism with promising applications in quantum spintronics. A prerequisite for their emergence is the existence of robust gapped phases, which are difficult to find in extended graphene systems. Here we show that semi-metallic chiral GNRs (chGNRs) narrowed down to nanometer widths undergo a topological phase transition. We fabricated atomically precise chGNRs of different chirality and size by on surface synthesis using predesigned molecular precursors. Combining scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) measurements and theory simulations, we follow the evolution of topological properties and bulk band gap depending on the width, length, and chirality of chGNRs. Our findings represent a new platform for producing topologically protected spin states and demonstrate the potential of connecting chiral edge and defect structure with band engineering.