The quality of medical services indicates the degree of completion of medical services that give each patient a sense of satisfaction. The higher the satisfaction, the higher the quality of medical services (Saputra, 2019). Patient satisfaction is the level of opinion expressed by patients as a reaction to the performance of the health care service they received after comparing it to their own expectations (Rina, 2017). Opinions of patients receiving BPJS medical services are not considered favorable. This is evidenced by the growing opinion of resident complaints when comparing the health services received by health care providers who prioritized general patients over healthy patients in BPJS (Amelia, 2018). The aim of this study was to identify the relationship between the quality of medical services and patient satisfaction participating in her BPJS at Dinoyo Public Health Center, Malang City. This study is a kind of quantitative observational study with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling method uses a random her sampling of 96 respondents. Based on the chi-square test results, p-value equal to 0.000 (p-value less than 0.05), so we can say that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that there is a relationship between the 5 measurements. Service quality (specificity, reliability, responsiveness, safety, sensitivity) in satisfaction of her BPJS participants at Dinoyo Health Center, Malang City. Healthcare providers are encouraged to maintain, enhance and improve the quality of their healthcare services and to continue to conduct regular healthcare quality and satisfaction surveys.
Abstrak: Mutu pelayanan kesehatan menampilkan tingkatan sempurnanya layanan kesehatan untuk menciptakan rasa puas tiap diri pasien. Kian sempurnanya rasa puas itu, kian baik juga kualitas pelayanan kesehatan (Saputra, 2019). Perasaan puas pasien adalah tingkatan pandangan yang mencuat sebagai hasil dari kinerja layanan kesehatan yang didapatkan setelah pasien membuat perbandingan dengan harapannya (Rina, 2017). Pemikiran pasien mengenai pelayanan BPJS Kesehatan adalah pelayanan yang kurang baik, perihal ini diisyarati terdapatnya opini yang tumbuh tentang keluhan dari masyarakat mengenai perbandingan pelayanan kesehatan yang diterima dari penyedia layanan kesehatan ialah lebih mengutamakan pasien umum dibanding peserta BPJS Kesehatan (Amaelia, 2018). Tujuan penelitian ini merupakan mengetahui hubungan antara mutu pelayanan kesehatan dengan kepuasan pasien partisipan BPJS di Puskesmas Dinoyo Kota Malang. Riset ini ialah tipe riset observasional kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Metode pengambilan data memakai accidental sampling terhadap 96 responden. Berdasarkan hasil uji Chi- Square diperoleh nilai p value sama dengan 0, 000 ( p value kurang dari 0, 05) hingga bisa dinyatakan H0 ditolak serta Ha diterima maksudnya terdapat hubungan antara kelima jenis mutu pelayanan (tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, serta empathy) pada perasaan puas peserta BPJS di Puskesmas Dinoyo Kota Malang. Dianjurkan kepada pihak puskesmas ialah mempertahankan, mengembangkan, dan meningkatkan mutu pelayanan kesehatan serta tetap melaksanakan survei kualitas pelayanan kesehatan serta kepuasan secara berkala.