This paper presents progress on the gravityelectromagnetism-strong (GEMS) theory in the context of a plasma universe. The GEMS theory is now understood in terms of the Standard Model of Physics and allows the practical unification of the EM, gravitational, and Strong forces. Two central problems in cosmology are addressed in the context of the GEMS theory: 1) the value of the ratio of coupling constants of EM and gravity; and 2) the calculation of the dark energy density in the cosmos, which drives cosmic expansion. It is found that a tachyonic quantum field provides the negative energy density that creates a cosmological constant. The acceleration of the cosmos is found to create a "back reaction" positive radiation pressure with a uniform spectrum out to the Planck frequency, which is a concept first proposed by Zeldovich, to partially cancel the cosmological (1.61α)), where α is the fine structure constant, is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, and M ηc is the mass of the η cc charmonium meson. Moreover, it is found that the infrared cutoff in integrals over momentum space corresponds approximately to the 3000-MeV masses of the η cc and J/Ψ mesons that figure largely in parity violating particle events. It is also found from both derivations that GEMS predicts gravity EM unification at Planck's energy.
constant. The resulting radiation field is found to provide both a mechanism for attraction of particles and production of mass via a Kaluza-Klein fifth dimension. Derivation of expressions for the gravitation constant using a combined Kaluza-Klein and Sakharov model is also shown and validated by a Standard Model Formulation based on the observed variation of α with energy