This first idea refers to communications-participations (Mucchielli, 2004). Built from the foundations of scientific tourism (Mao and Bourlon, op. cit.), it is understood that communications-participations strengthen the place of the tourist (citizen), who acts for a desirable development of the mountain. These communications are described as a system of thought in action and are elements of communication that can be understood in relation to the contexts in which they take on their meaning for the actors concerned: productions of any kind, concrete realisations, technical objectives, manipulation of objectives, conduct, multiple writings, discourse, attitudes and many paralanguages" (transl., Mucchielli et al., 1998: 8-9). These "generalised communications" (ibid.) therefore respond to a shared problem concerning societal issues around montanous regions, "which goes beyond and involves actors in a gameThe Pôle d'Accueil Universitaire Séolane in Barcelonnette: Qualitative Analys...