Sio 2 is one of the most fundamental constituents in planetary bodies, being an essential building block of major mineral phases in the crust and mantle of terrestrial planets (1-10 M E). Silica at depths greater than 300 km may be present in the form of the rutile-type, high pressure polymorph stishovite (P4 2 /mnm) and its thermodynamic stability is of great interest for understanding the seismic and dynamic structure of planetary interiors. previous studies on stishovite via static and dynamic (shock) compression techniques are contradictory and the observed differences in the lattice-level response is still not clearly understood. Here, laser-induced shock compression experiments at the LcLS-and SAcLA XfeL light-sources elucidate the high-pressure behavior of stishovite on the lattice-level under in situ conditions on the Hugoniot to pressures above 300 GPa. We find stishovite is still (meta-)stable at these conditions, and does not undergo any phase transitions. this contradicts static experiments showing structural transformations to the cacl 2 , α-pbo 2 and pyrite-type structures. However, rate-limited kinetic hindrance may explain our observations. these results are important to our understanding into the validity of eoS data from nanosecond experiments for geophysical applications. Stishovite, the high-pressure polymorph of silica, is of vast interest for planetary-and material science as a dominant constituent material in the mantle of Earth and larger terrestrial extra-solar planets. Under equilibrium conditions, stishovite becomes the stable form of SiO 2 at pressures above ~7 GPa and crystallizes in the rutile-type structure (P4 2 /mnm), consisting of octahedrally coordinated Si atoms 1-3. Static compression studies using diamond anvil cell (DAC) techniques show, that stishovite undergoes a displacive phase transition to the orthorhombic CaCl 2-type structure (Pnnm) at ~60 GPa 4-10 and a further transition to the α-PbO 2 type structure (Pbcn) at ~121 GPa 10-16. To date, the highest-pressure experimentally determined SiO 2 phase transformation is to the pyrite-type structure (Pa3) at around 268 GPa 17. Additionally, silica has been explored using dynamic shock compression experiments. Shock compression studies of fused silica and quartz up to 200 GPa indicate phase transitions to stishovite, post-stishovite phase(s) and melting above 120 GPa 18-23. However, only few studies use stishovite as a starting material. This is mainly due to the difficulty of synthesizing large specimens of stishovite without impurities or significant porosity, and preparing these samples for shock compression experiments. Stishovite has been shock compressed in the pressure regime between 193.6-235.7 GPa with the gas gun technique 24 , between 316-992 GPa with the flyer plate technique at the Z-machine 25 and in the pressure regime between 1032.2-2660.4 GPa with the decaying shock method at the OMEGA laser facility 26. All three studies resolve the stishovite continuum Hugoniot. In contrast to static experiments 5 , there is...