A computational model is developed to analyze magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) squeeze-film flows featuring an electrically conducting fluid subjected to imposed magnetic and electric fields. The model is based on the so-called MHD Reynolds equation for squeeze-films-an extension of the classical hydrodynamic Reynolds equation. A complete derivation of the MHD Reynolds equation is performed by applying thin-film and quasi-steady assumptions to the Maxwell/Navier-Stokes system coupled by the Lorentz force. The resulting equation is a two-dimensional and variable-coefficient Poisson equation for pressure, which reduces to the purely hydrodynamic form in the limit of vanishing Hartmann number. A geometric calculus formulation facilitates the reduction of the mathematical system into two dimensions, which is a challenge in standard vector calculus due to the cross product. The model permits realistic geometrical representations of the constraining squeeze-surfaces, and we demonstrate the use of a multi-variate Weierstrass-Mandelbrot fractal to numerically generate scale-invariant surface roughness profiles. Ultimately, the governing equation is solved with the Galerkin finite element method. Several numerical examples are conducted to highlight some of the model's capabilities. MHD forces-as well as the roughness, geometry, and topology of the squeeze surfaces-are shown to significantly influence flow characteristics. Published by AIP Publishing.