Anisotropic strain relaxation in ͑Ga,Mn͒As nanostructures was studied combining time-resolved Kerr microscopy and ferromagnetic resonance techniques. Local resonance measurements on individual narrow stripes patterned along various crystallographic directions reveal that the easy axis of the magnetization can be forced perpendicular to the strain relaxation direction. Spatially resolved measurements on disk-shaped and rectangular ͑Ga,Mn͒As structures allow us to directly visualize these local changes in the magnetic anisotropy. We show that the strain-induced edge anisotropy allows for an effective control of the coercive field in stripe structures. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.054417 PACS number͑s͒: 75.75.ϩa, 75.30.Gw, 75.50.Pp, 76.50.ϩg The magnetic properties of the diluted magnetic semiconductor ͑Ga,Mn͒As have been studied intensely using ferromagnetic resonance ͑FMR͒, superconducting quantum interference device ͑SQUID͒ magnetometry, magnetotransport, and Hall-effect measurements due to the potential application of this material in spintronics devices. In order to understand and engineer the magnetotransport properties of such structures it is of utmost importance to understand and control the magnetic anisotropies and the switching behavior. The magnetic anisotropies in ͑Ga,Mn͒As depend on a multitude of parameters such as temperature, 1 hole concentration, 2 and postgrowth annealing. 3 Recent experiments have shown that the magnetic anisotropies can be manipulated by either applying mechanical stress to the sample 4 or by releasing the strain-induced anisotropy with lithographic methods. [5][6][7] It has also been demonstrated that the easy axis of the magnetization can be rotated by varying the hole concentration using a strong electric field.8 However, all these experiments do not resolve magnetic anisotropies in ͑Ga,Mn͒As microand nanostructures locally; the signal in magnetoresistance measurements is always proportional to the average magnetization of the structure.The experiments presented here allow us to perform spatially resolved measurements of the magnetic anisotropy with a resolution of 500 nm. We have investigated ͑Ga,Mn͒As films grown on GaAs͑001͒ which due to the lattice mismatch grow compressively strained. This strain gives rise to a strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy with easy axes in the film plane. By patterning a ͑Ga,Mn͒As film into small structures this strain can be partially relieved, strongly affecting the magnetic anisotropies. Our approach combines the advantages of two experimental techniques: angledependent FMR provides direct access to the energy landscape and the magnetic anisotropies and time-resolved scanning Kerr microscopy allows us to perform time and spatially resolved measurements. Thus these experiments can serve to visualize the local variations in the magnetic anisotropy.The Ga 1−x Mn x As films were grown on GaAs͑001͒ substrates by molecular-beam epitaxy. On the GaAs͑001͒ substrate a 50-nm-thick high-temperature AlGaAs-buffer layer and a 8-nm-thick low-tempera...