BACKGROUND:There are a lot of factors influencing the efficiency of mastication; therefore there are also a lot of methods for testing this efficiency.OBJECTIVE:The study aimed to test the efficiency of mastication and evaluate it in the function of time, based on previous experience with the complete dentures.METHODS:A total of 88 patients (42 female, 46 male, mean age 52.2, SD = 5.76), complete dentures wearers, participated in this study. Masticatory functions were investigated by using the method of electromyography (EMG), analyzing electromyomasticatiogram. For testing the masticator efficiency, the further parameters of the masticatiogram were used: duration of the Standard Masticatory Task (SMT) (t), number of the masticatory cycles within the masticator arch (F) and maximal amplitude within the masticatory arch (F). All data were statistically analysed by using standard software package BMDP (bio-medical Statistical package). Parametric data have been tested using One Way Repeated Measurement of ANOVA test.RESULTS:The changes of the relation A/t are evident in different time intervals in both measured sides: F-DS-time of the measurement = 34.86, P = 0.0000; F-NDS- time of the measurement = 26.1, P = 0.0000. There are also differences of the masticatory index A/t between sexes in both, dominant and non-dominant side: F-DS-gender = 237.05, P = 0.0000; F-NDS-gender = 12.90, P = 0.004. Masticatory index (A/F) varies in time, from first to the sixth measurement in both sides: F-DS-time of the measurement = 32.36, P = 0.0000; F-NDS-time of the measurement = 30.53, P = 0.0000. The interaction of the time and gender was also important: F-DS-interaction = 6.95, P = 0.0000; F-NDS-interaction = 14.9, P = 0.0000.CONCLUSION:Masticator indexes are A/F, and A/t are a very important indicator of the masticatory efficiency and the level of the functional adaptation on complete dentures. Both masticator indexes show the same dynamics (reaching the stationary condition after the 15th week after getting new dentures). After the observing period, all examinee express the same degree of masticator efficiency known as functional adaptation. Patients with previous experience with complete dentures reach faster the stationary condition, compared with those non-experienced.