The aim of this research is to analyze and describe the characteristics of bullying behavior in early childhood and to describe the efforts of teachers in dealing with the problem of bullying in early childhood, so that a mapping of bullying problems in kindergartens in the city of Medan was produced. This research is an initial research in the context of developing a model for preventing and handling the problem of bullying in early childhood at kindergartens in Medan City. The research method used was a descriptive qualitative approach. Research subjects were taken based on purposive sampling technique. The instruments used were observation sheets on bullying behavior that occurred in kindergartens and interview sheets on teachers' efforts to deal with bullying problems. The steps used to analyze the research data consist of data collection, data reduction, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of this study indicate that bullying behavior in early childhood is dominated by physical bullying such as hitting and pushing. Meanwhile, the teacher's effort in dealing with bullying behavior is to immediately reprimand and provide an explanation to children about moral behavior, namely behavior that is permissible and not permissible.