This paper investigates the development rate of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) after it is exposed to synchrotron x-ray radiation. The x-ray exposures were performed at both Synchrotron Radiation Center and Brookhaven National Laboratories. The development rate of PMMA in a variety of developers was measured as a function of absorbed x-ray dose (J cm −3 ). The development rate of four different types of PMMA was investigated: unexposed 950k PMMA, Cryo GMS PMMA, Goodfellow CQ PMMA, and Crosslinked PMMA. It was found that the development rate is the same for all types of PMMA studied. The temperature dependence of one developer, GG developer, was studied in detail and it is shown that the selectivity of exposed to unexposed PMMA increases as the temperature is reduced.