Pandemi Covid-19 telah menelan korban yang tidak sedikit. Petugas kebersihan di Rumah Sakit merupakan individu berisiko terpapar karena pekerjaannya. Manusia adalah mahluk sosial, yang selalu berinteraksi terhadap orang lain, terutama keluarganya. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk menilai apakah ada transfer pengetahuan setelah diadakan pelatihan mengenai pencegahan infeksi pada petugas kebersihan yang bekerja di rumah sakit kepada keluarganya. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada September 2020 - Desember 2020. Sampel adalah 25 petugas kebersihan yang bekerja di RS Islam Sultan Agung dan 25 keluarganya. Petugas kebersihan diberi pelatihan tentang pencegahan infeksi meliputi alat pelindung diri, desinfektan, kebersihan lingkungan, etika batuk, dan cuci tangan, kemudian keluarganya dibagikan kuesioner dengan materi yang sama untuk menilai pengetahuan mereka. Hasilnya, sebagian besar responden adalah perempuan (68%) dengan pendidikan terakhir SMA (68%), pekerjaan swasta dan ibu rumah tangga (96%). Skor pengetahuan yang diujikan antara 0-100. Pengetahuan tentang Alat pelindung diri (skor 100), kebersihan lingkungan (skor 70-100), desinfektan (skor 84-100), etika batuk (skor 76-100), dan cuci tangan (skor 80-100). Sebanyak 72% mendapat informasi pengetahuan dari keluarganya yang bekerja sebagai petugas kebersihan di rumah sakit Islam Sultan Agung. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat transfer pengetahuan antara petugas kebersihan kepada keluarganya tentang pencegahan infeksi.The Covid-19 pandemic has claimed many victims. Cleaning workers in hospitals are individuals who are at risk of exposure due to their work. Humans are social creatures, who always interact with other people, especially their families. The purpose of this service is to assess whether there is a transfer of knowledge after training on infection prevention for janitors who work in hospitals to their families. This community service was carried out in September 2020 - December 2020. The sample was 25 cleaners who worked at Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital and 25 of their families. The cleaning staff were given training on infection prevention including personal protective equipment, disinfectants, environmental hygiene, cough etiquette, and hand washing, then their families were distributed questionnaires with the same material to assess their knowledge. As a result, most of the respondents were women (68%) with a high school education (68%), private jobs and housewives (96%). The knowledge score tested is between 0-100. Knowledge of personal protective equipment (score 100), environmental hygiene (score 70-100), disinfectants (score 84-100), cough etiquette (score 76-100), and hand washing (score 80-100). As many as 72% received information about knowledge from their families who work as janitors at Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital. It can be concluded that there is a transfer of knowledge between janitors and their families about infection prevention.