Abstract-In the previous work, we have proposed an integrate-and-fire neuron circuit and synaptic device based on the floating body MOSFET [1-3]. Integrateand-Fire(I&F) neuron circuit emulates the biological neuron characteristics such as integration, threshold triggering, output generation, refractory period using floating body MOSFET. The synaptic device has short-term and long-term memory in a single silicon device. In this paper, we connect the neuron circuit and the synaptic device using current mirror circuit for summation of post synaptic pulses. We emulate spike-timing-dependent-plasticity (STDP) characteristics of the synapse using feedback voltage without controller or clock. Using memory device in the logic circuit, we can emulate biological synapse and neuron with a small number of devices.Index Terms-Integrate-and-fire neuron circuit, synaptic transistor, spike-timing-dependent-plasticity, long and short-term memory, floating body MOSFET