This work is based on an analysis of the results collected for the development of the Master's Dissertation during an experience as a trainee teacher in the Supervised Internship discipline by the Graduation's Degree in Geography at Unicamp during 2018. One of the most important aspects of the research proposal was to understand some digital resources such as semiotic modalities and tools that enhance the teaching of Geography, especially those for the production of digital narratives. In this internship period, data were collected from the observation carried out together with the activities developed in the discipline and we were able to have a basis to understand how the senses and functions are created and shared by the subjects (Ubiquitous Readers) in the virtual environment are, as well as it was possible to have a look at their relation to tools and digital media. For this, we used investigation techniques as a researcher participating in classes and activities, we consider the materials produced by the observed subjects themselves and the records in an analysis diary, as well as a questionnaire to the students of the course. In this way, the work presented a mapping regarding to the different functions and meanings that the studied population developed for the tools used and made them known through an analysis of the record of the practices of these subjects in emergency in the context of cyberculture. The digital narratives, the focus of the present dissertation, published in the Discipline Blog, brought the possibility for future teachers to record their experiences in the classroom, reflecting on the theme and already elucidating their way of seeing that reality experienced by them. Allied to this, the fact that all narratives are exposed on the website and shared in the Facebook group created from the discipline, provided a sharing and an exchange of ideas between colleagues in the discipline.