“…Among the 18 studies that adopted the TBSL and its versions-TACB, TACB-S, TACB-R, and adapted -, Camargo et al (2011), Gresczysczyn et al (2018), Laugksch and Spargo (1996a), Lima and Garcia (2015), Oliveira and Silva-Forsberg (2012), Rivas et al (2017), Vizzotto andDel Pino (2020a, 2020b), and Vizzotto and Mackedanz (2018) revealed that most of the students assessed are scientifically literate. The studies of Sousa (2019a, 2019b), Laugksch and Spargo (1999), Lima and Garcia (2013), Nascimento-Schulze (2006), Vizzotto (2019), and Vizzotto et al (2020, on the other hand, revealed that the majority of the students assessed did not reach the minimum number of hits required to be considered scientifically literate. The research of Özdem et al (2010) showed moderate scientific literacy scores of the investigated students, while that of Nascimento-Schulze et al (2006) indicated that there is a relationship between satisfactory performances on the TACB-R and high interest in scientific topics, as well as good grades and school attendance.…”