Research background: Globalization brings rapidly changing global environment and highly competitive environment which manufacturing companies force to fight not only for their place in the market, but also to use various management methods and, above all, measure and manage their business performance. In production companies, the basis for performance measurement and management is to monitor data from production process, which should help to obtain an up-to-date production overview and serves a basis for planning processes, and remuneration of employees or for evaluating the efficiency of resources and equipment.
Purpose of the article: Many approaches and indicators companies use for this evaluation, including key performance indicators. The aim of the article is to design key indicators for the evaluation of production process and to create a model for reporting the results from the production process. Methods: The design of the production process evaluation has been creating on the analysis and evaluation of the primary survey and according to the methodologies of production process steps for the determination of key indicators from available secondary sources. The contribution brings the primary data collection of a recent survey conducted in manufacturing companies in the Czech Republic.
Findings & Value added: The paper sets up internal evaluation indicators for businesses using the elementary principle based on evaluation of the Overall Equipment Effectiveness.