This study aims to improve historical learning through the development of audio-visual media-based historical learning models. Through the use of information technology in learning, this research is intended to increase historical awareness, bring students thinking creativity in solving problems, and foster students' interest in learning in accordance with the environmental conditions in which students are located. The formulation of the problem in this study are: (1) can the development of audio visual media-based historical learning models improve the quality of history education learning in Ambon State High School? (2) can the development of audio visual media-based historical learning models improve the historical education competency? The method used in this study is the type of research and development or what is called Research and Development following the development research model of Dick & Carey (1). The results of this study are as follows (1) the development of an audio visual media based history learning model can improve the quality of historical learning in Ambon State High School. Improving the quality of learning history related to events: diachronic, has three dimensions of time and sees the causal relationship of an event, sees the movement of changes in an event, analyzes the birth process, develops, reaches the top, moves down, even dies or ends, (2) the development of audio visual media-based historical learning models can improve the mastery of history lesson competencies of class 11th students of Ambon State High School, which is shown by student learning outcomes as measured by competency tests. This means that there is an increase in the mastery of students' competencies after following history learning using the development of audio-visual media-based models. Based on the results of these studies, it can be concluded that the development of historical audio visual media-based learning models is very useful for teachers in Ambon State High School to describe various events related to historical learning, and also needed by students to improve mastery of competencies from historical learning.