This paper presents a multi-agent control architecture and an online optimization method based on dynamic average consensus to coordinate the power consumption of a large population of Thermostatically Controlled Loads (TCLs). Our objective is to penalize peaks of power demand, smooth the load profile and enable Demand Side Management (DSM). The proposed architecture and methods exploit only local measurements of power consumption via Smart Power Sockets (SPSs) with no access to their internal temperature. No centralized aggregator of information is exploited and agents preserve their privacy by cooperating anonymously only through consensus-based distributed estimation, robust to node/link failure. The interactions among devices are designed to occur through an unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) network over the internet.The architecture includes novel methods for parameter identification, state estimation and mixed logical modelling of TCLs and SPSs. It is designed from a multi-agent and plug-and-play perspective in which existing household appliances can interact with each other in an urban environment.Finally, a novel low cost testbed is proposed along with numerical tests and an experimental validation.
Index TermsMulti-agent systems, demand side management, thermostatically controlled loads, online optimization, dynamic consensus, anonymous agents, distributed predictive control.The research leading to these results has received funding from the Italian Ministry of Research and Education (MIUR) with project "CoNetDomeSys", code RBSI14OF6H, under call SIR 2014.M. Franceschelli is with the