The era of disruption encourages all humans to adapt to the changes that occur. Christian youth and Christian families are required to be able to withstand these changes by living in the firmness of the Christian faith, according to God's will. Christian education in premarital counseling is very important in this era because through it Christian families will be able to survive in an increasingly uncertain world. This research method is descriptive qualitative, with literature study and observation techniques. The author uses the Bible and various relevant literature. The purpose of this study is to provide a description of how Christian education can form premarital counseling that can guide Christian families in this era. The results of the study conclude that it is necessary to transform premarital counseling from just a church service program to Christian education to provide a new form. Christian education in pre-marital counseling is developed to post-marital counseling, which is carried out continuously throughout life according to the principles of Christian education. The implementation of Christian education in pre-marital counseling is as follows: First, the teaching materials emphasize the development of the personal dimension as a creation that is in the image and likeness of God and the relational dimension, building a relationship that is holy and pleasing to God. Second, the implementation of Christian education in premarital counseling includes six stages: First, the preparation of young people to find a life partner. Two, at a time when a future husband and wife decided to start a new family. Three, the young family stage. Four, pre-adolescent and adolescent family stages. Five, the family stage of adulthood, when the children in the family have started to grow up. Six, the stages of old age. Third, forming counselors as guides and guides who fear God, living the truth of God's word so that they can become examples of life.